ACSIS Insurance and Financial Services

Prepared September 2023

Click here to download Financial Services Guide

This FSG applies from 8th September 2023 and remains valid unless a further FSG is issued to replace it.

This document provides you with information that you may need to know about the services we provide for you. We recommend that you read this document in its entirety to understand the important aspects about your relationship with us.


You can contact us for further information and/or give us instructions in person, by post, phone or email on the below contact details.
The Network Insurance Group FSG and additional information about the services they provide are available from their website 
Suite C301, Level 3, Lee Wharf
19 Honeysuckle Drive
Newcastle NSW 2300
PO Box 195 Adamstown NSW 2289
Tel: 1300 475 365
Network Insurance Group
Level 12, 122 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
PO Box 84, North Sydney NSW 2059
Tel: 1800 133 100


The financial services referred to in this financial services guide (FSG) are offered by ACSIS Ltd as an Authorised Representative of Steadfast IRS Pty Limited trading as Network Insurance Group (Network Insurance Group).
The ABN for ACSIS Ltd is 48 008 599 826 and Authorised Representative Number is 255283.
Network Insurance Group ABN 95 159 898 398 holds a current Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) Number 435538 and is responsible for the financial services that ACSIS Ltd provide to you. Network Insurance Group are also responsible for the content and distribution of this FSG. The distribution of this FSG by ACSIS Ltd is authorised by Network Insurance Group.


We are authorised to provide general financial advice, that is advice which does not take your objectives, financial situation or needs into consideration, to retail and wholesale clients.
We, and Network Insurance Group, are committed to providing you with the products & services that meet your needs. If you feel that a product or service, you have been provided you does not meet your needs, please contact us.


Network Insurance Group will usually provide financial services on your behalf.
Sometimes Network Insurance Group will act on behalf of an insurer under a binder or agency agreement, which means that they represent and act for the insurer, not for you. They will tell you if this applies to the services that they provide to you.
Details on how Network insurance Group will communicate with you and their payment terms can be found in their FSG available from their website.


The following information relates specifically to Retail clients.
As per the definition within the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), you are a Retail Client if:
(a) You are an individual or the insurance product is used in connection with a small manufacturing business that employs less than 100 people or any other business employing less than 20 people.
(b) You are being provided a financial service or product that relates to one or more of these types of insurances: Motor Vehicle, Home Buildings/Contents, Sickness and Accident, Consumer Credit, Travel, Personal and Domestic Property.
If you are buying a Retail Product, you will be provided with a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). This will contain information about the policy to help you to make an informed decision about purchasing that product.
If Network Insurance Group provide you with personal advice, which takes into account your objectives, financial situation and needs, they will also give you a Statement of Advice (SoA). This will contain details of the advice given, the basis of the advice and information on their remuneration and any relevant associations or interests.


Your PDS will contain information relating to your cooling off rights. You may be entitled to a minimum of 14 days cooling off period, from the date the cover commences, during which you can cancel your policy and receive a refund of all money paid. Cooling off periods can vary so you should check your policy carefully and contact us if you have any questions about your cooling off rights.


When you take out insurance, renew, or vary a policy you hold, you have a duty to disclosure under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984. Your duties will differ depending on the type of insurance you are taking out, renewing, or varying.
Before you enter into an insurance contract, you have a duty to tell the insurer anything that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, that may affect the insurer’s decision to insure you and on what terms.
You have this duty until the insurer agrees to insure you. You have the same duty before you renew, extend, vary, or reinstate an insurance contract.
You do not need to tell the insurer anything that:
  • reduces the risk they insure you for; or
  • is common knowledge; or
  • the insurer knows, or should know; or
  • the insurer waives your duty to tell them about.
If you do not tell the insurer something
If you do not tell the insurer anything you are required to, they may cancel your contract, or reduce the amount they will pay you if you make a claim, or both.
If your failure to tell the insurer is fraudulent, they may refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if it never existed.
For insurances that are wholly or predominately for personal, domestic, or household purpose , you have a duty not to make a misrepresentation instead. Network Insurance Group will explain this duty to you before arranging these insurances for you.


You may request further details on our remuneration or other benefits, and we will endeavor to calculate and disclose the amount, or a reasonable estimate, of any income which we and Network Insurance Group may receive for insurances that are arranged.


As insurance brokers there are a number of ways in which Network Insurance Group can be paid.
They may receive a commission from the insurer for arranging the policy, which is a percentage of the premium less stamp duty, Fire/Emergency Services Levy, GST and any other government charges and levies. The amount of commission they are paid will vary depending on the insurer and may range from 0% to 35%.
They may also charge you a broker fee, either in lieu of or in addition to commission. The amount of the fee will depend on the complexity of the services we are providing and will be shown on your invoice.
We will receive up to 55% of Network Insurance Group’s commission.
This remuneration is for the policy period and we, and Network Insurance Group, are entitled to retain commission and/or fees, even if the policy is amended or cancelled.
If Network Insurance Group arrange premium funding for you, they may earn a commission from the premium funder. This is usually calculated as a percentage of the premium (excluding government charges, levies and taxes). Network Insurance Group become entitled to this commission when you instruct them to arrange or issue a premium funding product.
The commission rates for premium funding are in the range of 0% to 4.5% of funded premium.
You can ask them what commission rates they are paid for that funding arrangement compared to the other arrangements that were available to you.
We or Network Insurance Group may enter into agreements with a limited number of insurers or premium funders under which they may receive fees or other remuneration, such as profit share for the retention or growth of various insurance portfolios or meeting premium funding targets. The remuneration received from these agreements is variable, and is based on factors such as business retention, the volume of products or funding contracts arranged or the profitability of the portfolio of products arranged.
Details on how Network Insurance Group handle your premium payment and other remuneration they may earn, can be found within their FSG.


Network Insurance Group is a Steadfast Group Limited Broker. Details on this relationship can be found within the Network Insurance Group FSG.




If you have a complaint about our services, you should in the first instance, contact us.
If we are unable to resolve the issue, or if you have a complaint about the services provided by Network Insurance Group or your insurer, Network Insurance Group have an Internal Disputes Resolution team that can be contacted on the following details:

Phone: 1300 655 037
Network Insurance Group Complaints
PO Box 84
North Sydney NSW 2059
We will be updated on your review progression on a regular basis and assist you with additional support where required.
Extra support, for communication barriers such as language or disability, are also available.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 1 business day of us receiving it.
During the complaint process, we may request additional information from you to enable your complaint to be reviewed.
We will respond to your complaint in writing if:
  • We haven’t been able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 5 business days,
  • You have requested a response in writing, or
  • Your complaint is about financial hardship, a declined claim or the value of a claim.

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 15 calendar days from when we first received it.
If you are not satisfied with our response, your complaint will be progressed to stage 2.
We will let you know the name and contact information of the person reviewing your complaint in stage 2.
You can request your complaint be progressed to stage 2 of our complaints process at any stage prior to this time.
Your complaint will be reviewed by one of our Dispute Resolution Managers. Where practical, this person will be different to the person whose decision or conduct is the subject of your complaint or who was involved in Stage 1 of the complaint process.
We will provide you with an outcome of our review within 30 calendar days from when we first received your complaint. Our response will be in writing and it will include reasons for any decisions we have made.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint at the conclusion of Stage 2, you have can refer your case to an External Dispute Resolution service.
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.
Here is how you can contact AFCA
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Fax: 03 9613 6399
Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
For privacy complaints, you can contact OAIC on
Phone: 1300 363 992
Fax: 02 9284 9666
Post: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
(online complaint form available)

Other Important Information


Every contract of insurance is subject to the doctrine of utmost good faith, which requires that the parties to the contract should act toward each other with the utmost good faith. Failure to do so on your part may prejudice any claim or the continuation of cover provided by Insurers.
We maintain a record of your personal profile, including details of insurance policies that we arrange or issue for you and any recommendations or advice given to you. We will retain this FSG and any other FSG given to you as well as any SoA or PDS that we give or pass on to you for the period required by law. If you would like to view your file, we will arrange for you to do so.
We are committed to the protection of your privacy and handle your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Our privacy policy is available on request or on our website
Network Insurance Group have a conflicts management policy in place for identifying and managing actual or potential conflicts of interest. Where their own interests conflict with any duty owed to you, they will not proceed until they have fully informed you of this conflict and you have provided them with your informed consent.
Network Insurance Group is a proud member of the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) and are bound by their Code of Conduct. They also subscribe to the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice. A copy of the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice can be found on NIBA’s website
Network Insurance Group has a professional indemnity insurance policy (PI Policy) in place that satisfies the requirements for compensation arrangements under section 912B of the Corporations Act. This policy covers claims relating to our conduct, and that of our representatives, both past and present
Unnamed Parties
In most cases, the insurable interest of lessors, financiers, trustees, mortgagees, owners and all other parties who have a legal interest or charge over the Property Insured are automatically included as third-party beneficiaries without needing to be noted on the Policy.
If you require a person to be named as a co-insured, joint insured or insured person to be covered by your policy, you must request this. Please note, we cannot guarantee that an insurer will accommodate a request to include a further party as an insured on your policy.
If this is a requirement under a contract or agreement, do not sign the contract without checking with us as to whether the insurer is prepared to include the other party as an insured.
Change of Risk or Circumstances
It is vital that you advise us of any changes to your company’s usual form of business. For example, acquisitions, changes in occupation or location, new products or new overseas activities. Please contact us if you are in any doubt as to whether your insurer should be notified of certain changes.
Average or Co-Insurance
Some policies contain an Average/Co-Insurance clause, which means that you must insure for the full insurable value of the property insured. If you under-insure, your claim may be reduced in proportion to the amount of the underinsurance.
Non-Renewable Insurances
Cover under your policies terminate on the date shown on your tax invoice or adjustment note. Some policies are not renewable contracts. If you wish to effect similar insurance for any subsequent period, it will be necessary for you to complete a new proposal prior to the termination of the current policy so that terms of insurance and quotations can then be developed for your consideration.
Claims Occurring Prior to Commencement
Your attention is drawn to the fact that your policies do not provide indemnity in respect of events that occurred PRIOR to commencement of the contract.
Claims Made During the Period of Insurance
Some policies (for example, Professional Indemnity insurance) provide cover on a “claims made” basis, which means that claims first advised to you (or made against you) and reported to your insurer during the Period of Insurance are recoverable irrespective of when the incident causing the claim occurred, subject to the provisions of any clause relating to a “retroactive date”.
You should also note that, in terms of the provisions of Section 40(3) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, where you give notice in writing to the Insurer of facts that might give rise to a claim against you as soon as is reasonably practicable after you become aware of those facts (but before the insurance
cover provided by the contract expires) then the Insurer is not relieved of liability under the contract in
respect of the claim, when made, by reason only that it was made after the expiration of the Period of Insurance cover provided by the contract.
In order to ensure that any entitlement under the policy is protected, you must therefore report all incidents that may give rise to a claim against you to the Insurers without delay after such incidents come to your attention and prior to the expiration of the policy period.


Spring 2024

click here to view


The ISNSW annual conference was held at our home town, Newcastle. Time to Connect in the Hunter was the first event to kick 2023 off. There were sensational activities giving delegates the chance to network with like-minded professionals and learn from some of the industry's best. Twilight sailing, guided tour of Fort Scratchley tunnel system, cocktail dinner and an aerobatic display over Fort Scratchley by the amazing Matt Hall Racing. 


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